Novamente - 2011-06-07 15:54:49

Yesterday and today I tried crafting Blessed Spiritshots A-Grade
One click should make 200 BSSA for the cost of 70 spirit ores and 2 Crystals A-grade
Ii fact it does 200 BSSA for the cost of 1050 spirit ores and 30 Crystals A-grade. Although it says different in the description.
If these aren't new settings - please check them because it makes the game a bit 'strange' :P
And if it has to be like that - please tell us so :)

Thanks a lot in advance... :)

---------------- EDIT 09.06.2011 16:35 ----------------------------

I've noticed that even shots prices differ from those a cople of days ago... I mean in grocery shops... So it seems not to be a bug...
So... please tell us if you changed the soul- and spiritshot prices... and craft prices for them...
It seems a bit problematic :P

Don't know about other players' opinion...

Nanako - 2011-06-10 08:09:57

we fix craft now is good ?

Novamente - 2011-06-16 13:51:36

The craft's ok, thanks :)