- L2 Critic http://www.l2critic.pun.pl/index.php - Bug Raport, Problems, http://www.l2critic.pun.pl/viewforum.php?id=6 - Can't get certificates from sub class :) http://www.l2critic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=33 |
Novamente - 2011-07-11 19:30:32 |
Like in the subject... |
Nanako - 2011-07-11 20:19:06 |
do you make quest ? for cert ? no quest no skils |
Novamente - 2011-07-12 10:39:43 |
sure... always like this |
Nanako - 2011-07-12 12:06:11 |
ok tell me what you do to get this skil wher you go what you clik name npc etc. i ask bicos ppl got skils |