L2 Critic

#1 2011-06-03 06:57:45



Registered: 2011-06-03
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Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

Not to write too much and concentrating on what's important...
Basing on differences I noticed here, comparing to my previous server...

1. Pets
When they are baby pets - always after resummoning they go back to lvl 25
When they are improved baby pets - they go back to 55 lvl after resummoning
They loose their names after resummoning
They don't always stay or follow the character. Sometimes they go the other way and come back or behave like hungry when they aren't

2. Drop after dying
Sometimes after dying [from mob's hit] character drops all items on the ground. Should it really be like that on this server?
And - if it is like that - Should a character drop all items after loosing PvP as well?

3. Mail system
On 2nd June some of my mails just got stuck. I can't: Recieve Them / Send Back / Cancel / Delete from list

This much so far For the beginning



#2 2011-06-03 10:58:45



Registered: 2011-04-13
Posts: 44
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Re: Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

1. we try fix this

2 we remowe this option to much item droping but if all ppl on serwe wana this option we try fix this for normal smal drop

3 on mail system we got delay just w8




#3 2011-06-03 15:26:05



Registered: 2011-06-03
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Re: Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

Re 2. drop Maybe some kind of voting? Would be nice...



#4 2011-06-03 16:43:47



Registered: 2011-04-13
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Re: Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

w know but we thing what item for voite you can get




#5 2011-06-04 07:29:34



Registered: 2011-06-03
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Re: Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

OK, once again... Re. 2 - DROP AFTER DEATH

When I die - I drop items. Should it be like that?
kiedy ja ginę - ja dropię itemy. Czy tak powinno być?

Cause, ok, maybe warriors against mobs can avoid such situations. But what about the support then? Like EE/SE. Can you imagine buying new items everyday?
Bo, ok, może wojownicy przeciwko mobom mogą uniknąć takich sytuacji. Ale co z supportem? Jak EE/SE. Czy wyobrażacie sobie kupowanie nowych itemów każdego dnia?

If it has to be like that on Aria - please think about the support
Jeśli tak ma być na Arii - proszę, pomyśl o supporcie

If players win PvP and always get drop from opponents - because with this drop option it will look like that - ppl will loose everything very often and others will be too powerful. And even on Aden-Coliseum playground characters will be able too lose equipment
Jeśli gracze będą zawsze dostawać drop z przeciwników PvP - bo z tą opcją tak to będzie wyglądać - ludzie będą tracić wszystko bardzo często, a inni staną się zbyt "mocni". I nawet na "placu zabaw" Aden-Coliseum postacie będą mogły tracić wyposażenie

If other players never had such a situation, then I'm really sorry. But in my case - my pt partner had to take all my items that I dropped on the groud when I died being hit by monsters
Jeśli inni gracze nie mieli nigdy takiej sytuacji, przepraszam. Ale w moim przypadku - osoba z mojego pt musiala zebrać wszystkie przedmioty, które drop'nąłem na ziemię, będąc "zabitym" przez mobki

PS przepraszam za tłumaczenie, ale wydało mi się, że nie do końca zostałem zrozumiany w pierwszym poscie

Last edited by Novamente (2011-06-04 07:29:54)



#6 2011-06-04 17:08:49



Registered: 2011-04-13
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Re: Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

if you die on pvp you never drop item only wwen  kill you mob or npc now we turn off this option you cant drop when mob kill you I understand you in first post ;]

Re 2 Maybe  after to litle ppl on form




#7 2011-06-04 19:10:46



Registered: 2011-06-03
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Re: Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

Re 1. Pets - pets' lvl work just fine and the names remain on them Thanks for fixing

PS they just sometimes walk very slowly at the moment of eating their food. Like if they were very very very very hungry But it lasts just circa 2-3 seconds. And then it's OK
Thanks again

Re 2. Drop when dying from mobs' hits - Today I never had any drop when killed by mobs Feels much better and safer for my inventory Thanks as well for this



#8 2011-06-04 21:36:20



Registered: 2011-04-13
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Re: Some bugs I noticed so far - 03.06.2011

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