L2 Critic

#1 2011-06-03 07:11:37



Registered: 2011-06-03
Posts: 13
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Warehouse - Divided categories

I have an idea to maby add one menu when opening your WareHouse item list
Before showing ALL that you have stored in it, there could be a menu to choose from it what U are lookin for, jus not to look through all the items...
I suggest something like:
- Weapons
- Armors
- Materials
- Pets
- Recipes
- Scrolls
- Shots/Arrows
- Other

Oh, and one more thing... maybe the clan members with the 1st rank in clan could have the opportunity to withdraw items too, not only the clan leader... or something like that.
Because if CL is offline - the WareHouse will be blocked for other Clan Members. Even Captains...

Please tell me what U all think about that...



#2 2011-06-03 10:47:13



Registered: 2011-04-13
Posts: 44
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Re: Warehouse - Divided categories

At.1 we can't modify Game
At.2 we try on this options but i not give certainty that we enable it




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